Masons meet at the Tae-Kwon Do World Championships
Two Lodge Masters from the South-West of England and Scottish Mason were recently involved in the Tae-Kwon Do World (TAGB) Championships in Coventry. Teams from all over the World including as far as Australia and the USA meet and compete against each other in this Korean Martial art for three days.

Mike Dew is the current Master of Tivoli Lodge in Weston and in Tae-Kwon Do is known as Grand Master 9th Dan, and one of the leading lights in TAGB. In fact Mike was one of those responsible for setting up the TAGB in the early 80s.
Ben Cheriton from Old Helena Lodge in Exeter, one of Mikes students, and also a teacher in the TABG and Alan Lusk from St Marnock Lodge in Scotland, all Masons and teachers of the Art came together as brothers to enjoy each others company and friendship.
If you would like to know more about TAGB please click here