The Dunckerley Club
The main aim of the Dunckerley Club is to support elder Brethren who perhaps don’t attend or are unable to visit Lodges in the evenings. The Dunckerley Club relies heavily upon the North East Somerset Almoners and the Brethren in general to promote the Club and its objectives under the auspices of the Somerset Masonic Friendship Association (SMFA).
The name of the Club has been formally adopted as it recognises a man who did so much for Freemasonry in his time, as have our older Brethren, in theirs.
Our new Chairman, Tony Carter was elected in July 2019 and is a founder member of the club.
Previous Meetings of the Dunckerley Club in Bath have been a great success and very happy occasions, where old friends met to catch up with news and do a bit of reminiscing.
Younger Brethren are encouraged to seek out and accompany an older brother but wives, partners, widows and non-masonic friends will also be made very welcome.
For more information or to book in for future meetings contact the Secretary David Hogg