Admiral Blake help fund a new wheelchair
The Admiral Blake Lodge were contacted by the family of a young lady by the name of Amber, via the Provincial Almoner back in 2022. Amber’s grandfather had been a member of Admiral Blake Lodge in the 1980s, before sales passing away in the early 1990s.
Amber needed to replace her wheelchair, which is a specialist item of equipment due to her complex needs, in fact it was going to cost over £5,000 to replace it. Admiral Blake Lodge were very happy to help her with this, so made a donation of £1,000 towards the total cost, the rest being funded by family and other donations.

When the Wheelchair had been supplied several members of Admiral Blake met up with Amber and her family at Amber’s parents in Bridgwater to meet them and to see how she was getting on with the new wheelchair. “It was really lovely to meet Amber and her family” said Daniel Harding the Immediate Past Master of the Lodge “we were delighted to see that she is getting on so well with her new chair, and to help the grand daughter of one of our past members”.

Article from Daniel Harding
Added by Ian Evans