Events Calendar – Fraternal Visits
Provincial Fraternal Visits
These visits will be attended by one of the Rulers of the Province (The Provincial Grand Master or his Deputy or Assistant Provincial Grand Master) accompanied by a Provincial Steward who will act as Provincial DC, a member of the Provincial Executive and at least one other officer from the Provincial team. The object of the visit is to allow the Ruler and the team to enjoy an ordinary meeting of the Lodge and to join the Brethren afterwards at the festive board. This will give members of the Lodge the opportunity to discuss any Masonic questions or concerns that they may have with senior members of the Province. It also gives the PGM and his team the opportunity to communicate the latest news from the Province in a less formal setting.
The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Ray Guthrie, is very keen that our fraternal link with the Royal Arch should be strengthened, and to this end Provincial Fraternal Visits may now include Senior Members of the Royal Arch.