4692Lodge News

Bridgwater Lodges Assemble For A Charity Lunch

The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship 135, supported by Admiral Blake 4692 and the Tynte Lodge 7994 held a joint Sunday lunch on 30th April at the Bridgwater Masonic Hall, in support of Cancer Research UK and The Bridgwater Foodbank. The 60 diners present included friends, wives and partners for a most enjoyable 3 course lunch prepared by Martin Felstead of Greenway Farm Restaurant.

A collection was made during the afternoon for flowers for a member that could not attend through illness, with the surplus money from this added for the charities. The cost of raffle tickets was included in the ticket price which was ably conducted by Dave Young, Senior Warden of Perpetual Friendship who is a manager and trustee at the foodbank.  He was assisted by Craig Pyne and Klaus Galeitzke.

(Pictured above: Back row L-R: Alan Chambers WM Tynte, Norman Hucker WM Perpetual Friendship and Andrew Wood WM Blake.  Foreground L-R: Shelly Wood, Delphine Hucker and Sue Chambers.)

Barrie Palmer, Provincial Membership Officer followed on by auctioning a large bear donated by Norman Hucker and more was added to that already collected, from photos taken by Les Pickersgill (Provincial Photographer & a member of Tynte Lodge) of those wishing to have their photo taken with the bear. In total £670.00 was raised on the day and will be divided equally between both charities.

Article by: Norman Hucker – Lodge of Perpetual Friendship

Posted by Ed Richings: ACO (SW)

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