Lodge News

Gordano Lodge show them how it’s done!

On 24th April 2023, Gordon Lodge conducted their first Raising for over 7 years, in front of nearly 30 guests, including 22 from the Provincial team, on the occasion of their Fraternal Visit.

Members of the Provincial Team, with (L-R) Richard Winter, Paul Hinkley and Mihaita Gradinaru

Mihaita Gradinaru was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in fine form , with every officer performing well. Mihaita who is Romanian, was the first new candidate the Lodge had, had for several years, he was excellent, considering English is not his first language.

Gordano Lodge has had to move home several times of the past few years and has struggled with membership, but kept on going, holding meetings and forming great bonds. Now thanks to help from the Provincial Membership Team and the hard work of Rob Collins, they now have 8 potential candidates to bring in, in fact three were balloted for on the night.

The meeting was followed by the usual excellent Festive Board at Clevedon, in a happy and contended manner.

The future is looking very rosy, if not extremely busy for Gordano over the coming years, well done to everybody!

Rob Collins with his usual “selfie” accompanied by Mat Wesley and Tony Saunter
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