Lodge of Agriculture 1199 Installation
At the last regular meeting on Monday the 20th March saw a fantastic ceremony of installation – WM Dave Wyatt taking the chair in what can only be described as a truly memorable evening of Masonic brotherhood.
The WM and his team of officers performed a brilliant ceremony with many taking their first opportunity to deliver ritual. The lodge was packed to the rafters and with an excellent ceremony attended by :- Rt. W.Bro. Ray Guthrie, PGM (Provincial Grand Master) Richard Winter APGM (Assistant Provincial Grand Master) and a further 74 visitors and members it was truly a wonderful atmosphere.
Downstairs the brotherhood and joviality continued with 76 sitting down to the festive board. The raffle raised £508 and the ‘carry the can’ initiative was well supported.
A pleasure to see upstairs and downstairs so well supported. I would like to take the opportunity to wish WM Dave Wyatt and his team the best of luck for the coming year from the brethren of the Lodge of Agriculture 1199.