2038Lodge News

Portcullis Lodge ‘Paull’ Out All The Stops

(L-R) Harry Blinston, Adrian Robson & Denis Paul

The World Famous Hanging Chapel in Langport witnessed a fabulous night of Freemasonry on Thursday 16th February. Some 50 members and guests were packed there-in to witness a Portcullis 2038 legend and Past Master installed once again, 31 years after first taking the Chair as Master.  In a very emotional night Denis Paull was magnificently installed by Neill McGrath – who incidentally vacated the office after a Portcullis record of 3 years and 1 week as the Master!  Denis then appointed his new officers with real passion and enthusiasm, the working tools were explained by Portcullis Master Masons who were all raised last year by the outgoing Master.  Adrian Robson, the representative of the Provincial Grand Master gave the address to the Worshipful Master.

All Tooled Up (L-R) Mike Norton, Dom Smyth Ribeiro & Grant Peckham

The Festive Board is always a joyous occasion at Portcullis and this was probably up there with the best.  The toast to the Master was from his cousin, another Portcullis legend Graham Lock and was said with real feeling and warmth.  The Master’s song was performed very tunefully by David Hutchins and during the song, as is the Masonic custom, Denis was lifted up onto his chair by his Wardens and the Brethren raised their glasses filled with Masonic joy and wine, of course courtesy of the Master.

Adrian & Denis at the Festive Board

The toast to the visitors was left in the very capable hands of Ian Moore and was carried out in the manner one comes to expect from ‘Moore the Merrier’.  The reply by Steve Williams was very well received and of course, in a similar jovial manner.  The raffle raised a superb £215 and will be used to continue the support Portcullis gives to the local area foodbanks and other charities.

Article submitted by Mike Norton – Portcullis Lodge

Posted by Ed Richings – ACO (SW)

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