Lodge News

230 years old and still going strong!

On Friday 3rd February Rural Philanthropic Lodge #291 held their 230th Festival, to Install Will Human as their new Master for the ensuing year. With over 56 in attendance, including a past Provincial Master, a Past Assist Provincial Master and two further Grand Officers, everyone was on their best behaviour!

Although this was not a problem, as Will was excellently installed by Nick Reed, with David Maddern there representing Ray Guthrie. Will followed suit by installing his officers in superb fashion. Pictured above with David and Will are, Jon Mansell acting as David’s DC, Wardens, Mike David & Malcolm Price and the Deacons, Ian Chedzey and Lyndon Baker.

The Tools were presented by two light blues and an FC – in fine fashion, all were congratulated on the night.

Will and Nick working on their Selfies, whilst Andy is playing on his phone – fine to follow £££!

The Festive Board was a sumptuous meal of Prawn cocktail, followed by Roast Beef, with all the trimmings. The Toast to the province was ably done by Mike Jarvis, with the response to the visitors, done in his usual eloquent style, by Martin Slocombe.

Whilst this was all occurring the wives of many of the members, went out for their usual meal (A curry this time) before joining us at the end of the evening for more drinks.

Cheers Ladies!

Following on from the last excellent Fraternal Visit to Admiral Blake – 14 of the Brethren are making their way “t’up” North to Nailsea on the 21st February to visit Estune – which should also be a great night!

The Lodge is going from Strength to strength, with 73 subscribing members, two new initiates for March and April, with two more to come (Thanks to the Digital Marketing Campaign), plus another joining member, who then plans to bring in his son as a Lewis plus a friend of theirs as well.

The RPL motto is work hard, play hard and above all enjoy yourself!

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