Lodge News

Tennyson lodge Christmas Carols Opened by Junior Master Arthur

Tennyson lodge has a long standing tradition at Christmas, to hear nativity readings, sing Carols, and listen to Christmas thoughts in the temple, followed by heading down to the new Poets Suite to eat, drink and be merry.

Master and Worshipful Master Bryant

The evening is always opened and closed by the worshipful master; that is until this year when as the day approached the Worshipful master’s voice grew more and more faint, to the point where he couldn’t be heard by Friday evening. Not to worry as master Bryant, Arthur, aged 7, stepped up and opened proceedings by welcoming one and all, and wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and a lovely evening. Well done Arthur, and best of luck getting your voice back Tony.

The christmas message this year was delivered by John Holman, and is entitled “The return of The Sheldrake“, a tale of antics on the high seas that ends up with a lovely Christmas message 🙂

Matt Westley was on hand to play music, Zena produced absolutely delicious food and a lovely time was had by all, as can be seen in the photos below.

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