Lodge Of St George L3158 Initiation Report
The 7th November 2022 was a very special evening for the Worshipful Master Steve Thraxton and his excellent team in Taunton, when their latest candidate Mr John Wrelton was initiated into the Lodge of St George.
An excellent ceremony was enjoyed by all, with 55 members and visitors in attendance and Lodge of St George Officers and the initiate were superbly addressed by Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master Martin Slocombe. Peter Layzell also kept a close eye on proceedings as the Lodge Senior Member present.
A happy occasion was had by all and newly made Brother John remarked at the Festive Board at being admitted into such a lovely and friendly Lodge, where he looks forward to sharing many more enjoyable evenings. He noted that there were many personal friends present whom he didn’t realise were local Freemasons!
Report by Steve Thraxton, Worshipful Master L3158
Posted by Ed Richings ACO (SW)