9011Lodge News

Wraxall Pass Bro Guthardt and Receive the Traveling Trowel

Wraxall Lodge held their first regular meeting of the year on Friday the 7th of October, the evening started with two eulogies read by Ray Beckingham and Barry McCormack for two of our very dear brothers who have sadly passed to the Grand Lodge Above W.Bro Trevor Green and W.Bro Bernie Simms they will be missed.

The Travelling Trowel was greatly received from the WM from W.Bro Liam Broad and Brethren from the lodge of Agriculture. Bro Michael Buff Guthardt was passed to the second degree in fine fashion overall the evening a great success.

The festive board was as usual superb and enjoyed by all attending. We would like to thank our visitors for their support, and we hope to see you all again soon.

Bro Rob Collins ready to see of all cowans and intruders
Bro Michael Buff Guthardt with his seconder Bro Neil Bryant along with Bro Rob Collins and W.Bro Steve Chapman
Enjoying the festive Board
Bro Guthardt relaxed after his passing
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