10021Lodge News

Somerset Military Lodge No. 10021 Conduct Their First, First.

L-R Richard Winter APGM, Candidate Martin Walsh, Tony Guthrie WM

On Saturday 1st October the newly consecrated Somerset Military Lodge conducted their first Ceremony, which was also a first. Tony Guthrie the WM carried out a superb ceremony, as did all the officers doing the work, it could be said in a proper military fashion!

The Candidate was an active Marine, Colour Sergeant Martin Walsh, who was also brilliant and was great to be lead around.

Officers of the Somerset Military Lodge with Martin Walsh

A fine bunch of men and officers of the Lodge.

Top table a little cramped, but everyone was enjoying themselves,
With over 72 dining it was a little cramped, however the catering was superb and everyone ate well!

The evening was rounded off with a rousing rendition of the New Initiates song and the living circle was formed, with Tony then taking wine with the newest member of the SML.

A huge thank you to Les Pickersgill for taking these wonderful photos and many more. If anyone would like more of the Photos, please contact the News team or Les directly.

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