Lodge News
Perpetual Friendship – Tracing Board
At the meeting of The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship No: 135 on the 12th September, and in the presence of the Asst. Prov. Grand Master, W.Bro. Richard Winter, Bro’s Kyle Winter and Craig Pyne, gave a full explanation of the 2nd degree tracing board to the candidate who was being passed.
This is a major piece of ritual in the 2nd degree ceremony, which they had learnt during the summer break under the guidance of the lodge DC, W.Bro Norman Hucker.
Bros Kyle and Craig completed the explanation in an excellent manner with no prompt necessary.
W.Bro Richard Winter congratulated both Fellow Crafts in open lodge on the excellence of their work, which was seconded by the WM, W.Bro. Gary Boon and all visiting brethren.