Lodge News

Tynte Lodge, Bridgwater, in the news after donating to St Margaret’s Somerset Hospice

Members of the Tynte Lodge in Bridgwater recently donated the magnificent sum of £600 to assist St Margaret’s Somerset Hospice with their efforts to recover from lost funding during the Covid Lockdown.

The Hospice were forced to close many of their retail outlets due to Covid, and consequently their income was seriously affected. Members of Tynte Lodge heard about the problem and visited the Hospice’s Retail and Logistics Centre where they donated the entire proceeds of a recent dinner to celebrate Burns’ Night.

During the visit, they learned that St Margaret’s are very keen to hear from anyone who might have large items, furniture etc. that can be donated to help with fundraising. Pick-up can be arranged by calling St Margaret’s on 01823 218313.

For the full story, please visit the Somerset Apple (local news at its best)

(L to R) Mandy Poynter-Smith (Logistics), Tony Saunter (Tynte Lodge), Emma Grant (Logistics), Susan Kerber (Retail & Commercial Manager) and Martin Poynter-Smith (Tynte Lodge).
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