2038Lodge News

Helping Out – Somerset Farmers pass Bro Isaacs for Portcullis Lodge

The Somerset Farmers 9180 ‘ooh arhh‘ very kindly passed Bro Robert Isaacs on behalf of Portcullis 2038 (their tenants) to the honourable degree of a Fellow Craft (or should it be ‘Fallow Craft’ 😊), in a superb ceremony at the ‘World Famous Hanging Chapel’ on Monday 28th February.

A goodly number of Bretheren from Portcullis 2038 were there to support Robert, who at reasonably short notice, did a smashing job answering the questions.

W Bro Colin Vigar performed his last ceremony in the chair in admirable fashion before being put out to grass, and the ritual performed was carried out in a warm and friendly manner. W Bro Gary Richmond, Senior Deacon, ‘steered’ the candidate through the ceremony with customary ease and performed a prize winning piece of ritual to finish the ceremony with of course, the lecture of the 2nd degree Tracing board.

The Festive Board proceeded in splendid fashion at the Langport Arms with W Bro Ian Moore delivering the response to the visitors toast in his customary jovial style, and it was near midnight before the Portcullis formation drinking team left the bar in a sober fashion…off sorts 🥂

If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of visiting the Somerset Farmers lodge. I thoroughly recommed you make it your next visit. ‘Ooh arrh’

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