6817Lodge News

Estune Lodge 6817 End of Year Meeting

Estune Lodge held their last meeting of the year on Tuesday 21st December. Despite the current difficult situation, a goodly number of brethren braved a chilly evening to attend.

The Lodge was opened in harmony before Estune Chaplain W.Bro led the brethren  in prayer  to remember Estune brethren and ladies  who had passed to the Grand Lodge above during this coronavirus pandemic period. W.Bro Geoffrey Nash was then presented with a 60-year Veterans Certificate by W Bro Martin Slocombe APGM. Geoffrey gave a brief summary on his very full and interesting masonic and working career.  

The Brethren were then treated to a presentation from the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association. Presented by W.Bro Harry ”Riff” Blinston, assisted by six other members, Harry delivered an interesting talk on the good work they have achieved, their regalia and meaning behind the various patches worn.

The meeting was closed, and the brethren joined in with the first verse of ‘’O come all ye faithful’’, after all it is Christmas.  The festive board was served up with a healthy portion of Turkey and all the trimmings.  

A big thank you to all who were able to attend making it a very enjoyable evening. Stay safe everyone, have a Merry Christmas and let’s hope for a brighter future in 2022.

Festive greeting from the brethren of Estune Lodge 6817.   

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