W.Bro Donald Pearce – 60 years a Mason
On Sunday 5th December 2021, W. Bro. Don Pearce celebrated receiving his 60-year certificate in style. On hearing Don would be unable to make the journey from his home in Worcestershire to Royal Cumberland Lodge No. 41 in Bath the PGM, R W Bro. David Medlock, without hesitation, immediately said he would go to Don to make the presentation.Thrilled that the PGM was coming, Don arranged that the presentation would be at his favourite restaurant with his close family present.

Don, now 92, was initiated into Royal Cumberland Lodge in December 1961 and was Master of the Lodge in 1975. He was appointed Past Prov Senior Grand Deacon in 1981 and promoted to Past Supt Works in 1997. Although he moved away from Bath some time ago he has always retained a keen interest in Royal Cumberland Lodge and was made an honorary member of the Lodge in 2012.
After the PGM presented the certificate, a 60-year badge and a gift, W. Bro. Mervyn Bryce gave a gift and signed card on behalf of members of the lodge. Don responded with thanks and said how much he had thoroughly enjoyed his years in Masonry and how many good friends he had made during the years.
The party then retired for a sumptuous Sunday lunch where old acquaintances and many reminiscences were nostalgically recalled.
Geoff Ifill, Lodge Communications Officer