Lodge News

Family Affair at the Lodge of Science

The Lodge of Science will long remember the 11th November 2021and not just because we were remembering our fallen Brethren but because of a unique Initiation Ceremony!

Worshipful Brother Jonnie Reach is our current Master and his younger brother, Brother Jamie Reach is the Junior Deacon and of course there is nothing especially unusual in that, however on this evening there was a coming together of a set of unique circumstances!

There are many Worshipful Masters who would be delighted to Initiate their own son who as we all know is called a Lewis but how many have the privilege of Initiating their own Father? 

Well, that is exactly what happened here in Wincanton. The W.M. Carried out the Initation Ceremony for his own Father, the new Brother Darryl Reach whilst Brother Jamie the Junior Deacon conducted his Father around the Lodge. It was a truly family affair as Brother Jamie also presented the tools whilst Worshipful Brother Jonnie gave an excellent rendition of the Charge After Initation. 

The Brothers Reach, Jamie, Darryl and Johnie

The evening was rounded off with a first class Festive Board, and the Initiate was treated to emotional speeches from both of his sons followed by the Initiates song and the Chain. Brother Darryl lived up to expectations with an excellent response!

A truly memorable occasion for all of those present.

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