School’s Adventures Appeal Receives Donation From Taunton Namesake Lodge.
On 30th June, impeccably behaved Junior pupils watched our WM Graham Ten Broeke, hand over the cheque to Mr Matthews who is now Head of Queen’s Junior School. With them are, WBro Peter Thomas, left, Charity Steward, and Mr Geoff Bisson, a former teacher representing the Queen’s Foundation and also Secretary of the Old Queenians Association. Thanks to Ken Bird, Queen’s Director of Communications, for photo and report.

Henry Matthews, said “Our Adventures Appeal has just received another fantastic donation. We are extremely grateful to the Queen’s College, Taunton Lodge, for presenting a cheque for £1,250. With matched funding from our Foundation, the £2,500 boost takes the running total to more than £18,500.” Please view the picture and full report: (Control + L click)
It was following an illustrated talk on Zoom about Queen’s by Geoff Bisson, helped by the reminiscences of some members of their time spent in Junior decades ago, a contribution from our general account £720 was generously added to by a few 6988 members and a total sum of £1,250 was raised. Henry would be so pleased to hear from any other member who wishes to contribute, especially as any money raised by Junior will be matched by the Foundation.
While the new Head of Junior arrived last September, a new Head for Senior School has been appointed from this September when Mr Julian Noad takes over the reins from Dr Earps. Information about this appointment has been repeated over several ‘weekly bulletins’. See this link: Page 1
Over the years I feel Queen’s has become more distant for me. The School website has evolved as has the use of Twitter and, particularly, Facebook; there is much information but I had difficulty finding what I needed. This may be the answer:
There is a link to all weekly news; which is most helpful, interesting and really is worth exploring.
For instance, in week 25th June, not only is there the information about the new Head of Senior School, but on page 9 there is news of a remarkable Queen’s music teacher hoping to set a record by passing 9 music grades on different instruments on one morning. Her success attracted national media attention which WBro Lionel Frewin noticed in The Times. See links, Page 9:
And Page 5:
Geoff Bisson wrote a brief biography of former Lord Chief Justice, Lord John Widgery, (OQ 1923-27) and a member of Queen’s Lodge until his death in 1981 aged 70. Page 10. Lord Widgery chose Articles rather than University on leaving Queen’s. Born South Molton; enlisted as a Private in Royal Artillery in 1939 – a Brigadier by 1945!!
And finally, I’m sure you will all be aware our Chief Executive and Grand Secretary, Dr David Staples, is leading radical changes in a very determined effort to modernise Freemasonry, dragging it out of the mire of negative messages, secrecy and conspiracy theories which abounded in the 1980s/90s, by promoting a much more open and transparent strategy. When talking to Ken Bird at Queen’s last Wednesday, he volunteered his opinion that this message is being heard to good effect.
Article supplied by W.Bro Richard Baker. LCO for Queen’s College, Taunton Lodge 6988.
Posted by W.Bro Andy Baird. PGLS ACO SW.