Covid_19Lodge News

King Alfred Lodge Supports The Stable Café Lunch Project With £500 Donation.

When the Stable Café, in Wadham Street, W-S-M shut down due to the Lockdown, proprietor Prayag  Rajpura looked to see what he could do to help local people. He found that there are a lot of vulnerable children who do not get meal vouchers for school meals, so he set about supplying packed lunches for as many as he could and, in the first seven weeks, he had managed to supply over 3,200 meals!

The local YMCA stepped in to help with deliveries and the local Masonic Lodge, King Alfred, made a donation of £500 which included £200 funded by the MCF. Prayag told Compass “For a micro charity like ours this is a lot of money and will have a big impact on what we can achieve.”

W.Bro Phil Lewis, WM of King Alfred presenting a cheque for £500 to Prayag Rajpura using a ‘grabber’ to maintain Social Distancing!!

W.Bro Barry Davies, PGLS Head of Comms, with thanks to Phil Lewis.

Posted by W.Bro Andy Baird. PGLS ACO SW.

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