Vale of Brislington Lodge No 1296 is 150 years young
Diving in to the 1870s copies of The Freemason which are available to read online, there were so many lodges being founded in 1870 that Vale of Brislington Lodge 1296 wasn’t written about in the February 26th 1870 edition, but it shows CONSECRATION OF THE GOOCH LODGE , No. 1295 and the CONSECRATION OF THE ROYAL STANDARD LODGE, No. 1298 in the same page. This was the time of the founding of our lodge as well. So we’re close:…/pa…/5/articles/ar00503/
Notwithstanding this omission, our very own Somerset province made sure the whole event was indeed recorded:…/pa…/3/articles/ar00304/
Moving forward to 150 years to the 27th March 2020, and although not meeting, the province of Somerset wishes to mark the occasion, and to wish a very happy birthday to the Vale of Brislington Lodge and all of it’s Brethren.