6244Lodge News

Gordano Lodge Support Two Charities With a Total of £1500 at a Recent Charity Lunch

Gordano Lodge held their Charity Lunch on 16th April, which was attended by 55 people, consisting of Widows, members of the local Church,along with Gordano Membres and their Wives and Families; a splendid time was had by all.

The two Charities that were supported this year were the Jack Hazeldean Trust and Winston’s Wish, both were donated £500 from the Lodge Charity Chest, with a further £250 each donated by the SMC. Mr Stephen Hart a Trustee from The Jack Hazeldean Trust gave a brief overview of the work they do, Mrs Gillina Hinkley, Wife of the W.M.read a brief outline from Winston’s Wish.

Big Thank You to W.Bro Philip Du Kamp and his Wife Jennifer, for all their hard work co-ordinating the dining and table plan.

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