New Chapter Provincial Team has it’s first outing to Exmoor.
On Wednesday the 24th May, Exmoor Chapter in Minehead, were pleased to welcome the newly installed provincial team.
The Deputy Grand Superintendent Neil Hurcum, was accompanied by 15 other companions, including Martin Slocombe (2nd GP) and Chris Summers the Provincial DC.

Many had travelled a considerable distance to attend the meeting, which was very much appreciated, so much so, that several were given a party to play in the evenings labours.

The meeting elected the officers for the coming year and the companions then delivered a lecture entitled “Who do you think you are?” Which involves companions each representing one of the historical characters and presenting a short description of who they were. The lecture helps to give understanding of the character in the context of Royal Arch ceremonies.
With over 30 staying to dine the Festive Board was enjoyable with companions giving generously to the Cadogan Court Summer Fair draw tickets, on the 8th July.