Meets at 18:30 except May on the fourth Friday Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May (Installation 18:00), Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct and Nov
The Vale of Brislington was formed by Bristol Masons, on their Summer recess, riding out on their Pony and Traps to meet up in a country village near Bristol and enjoy a social gathering to keep in touch, which happened to be The White Hart Inn, Brislington Village. The consecration took place on Tuesday 15 March 1870. In those early years the ‘Vale’ was a vacation Lodge only meeting on the third Friday in May, June, July and August . After many changes in meeting dates it eventually moved to the Fourth Friday in 1895. The first, or as in now known, the ’Primus’ Master was Dr. Samuel Bryant a Past Master of the Beaufort Lodge No. 103 in the Province of Bristol. The Senior and Junior wardens were also from that same Lodge and practiced the Bristol Ritual. As the then Provincial Grand Master of Somerset was a supporter of the formation there was no objection to the Lodge adopting the Bristol Ritual. In 1953 we moved to the Masonic Hall in Keynsham to be able to meet alongside our daughter Lodge, St. Keyna and changed our meetings to 10 per year from the original 4 at the White Hart Hotel. The Vale of Brislington is now the only Lodge that performs the Bristol Ritual and because of that attracts a goodly number of visitors to witness ‘something different’. The ritual is well rehearsed and delivered by Past Masters and Master Masons which is then followed by very enjoyable after proceedings where attendees can enjoy good food, good wine and excellent company
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Roger Evans
Social Events – Our Installation takes place in May of each year where we install a new Master and Officers for the year ahead. Prior to that, in March, we hold a Ladies/Partners evening/Weekend to celebrate the year just gone and a big thank you our wives and partners for allowing us out to attend our meetings and rehearsals. This is a chance to dress up and meet in a more relaxed and social environment. The socials also provide an excellent opportunity to include friends and partners, whether they be Masons or not, in our activities. Annually we hold the following; Ladies evening/weekend, sometimes locally or a trip to the seaside where we have a gala dinner, dancing and a raffle. Burns night at our January meeting. Join in with The Keynsham Masonic Hall events that include a Race Night, New Years Eve party and a Summer BBQ.
Charity Giving – The Lodge holds several events throughout the year and regularly donate sums of money to local charities. These have included, the Keynsham Cricket Club and the St. Lukes Scout Group in Brislington.
Find Out More About Joining Us – A candidate for joining must be of good character and either know someone in the Lodge or apply through direct which will require an interview. We meet on a Friday evening, 10 times per year excluding August and December, at 1830. If you would like to express an interest in or are already a Mason and would like to join the Vale of Brislington Lodge please contact the secretary on the following link.
Contact the Membership Officer: Steve Coles
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Lodge News
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This year Somerset is celebrating 25 years of creating organ music for the specific use in Masonic lodges, during meetings…
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