Somerset Military Lodge No 10021 – From the lodge secretary, Scott Gibbons
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Somerset Military Lodge 10021 Consecration Meeting 21 May 2022

The day started well with the arrival from 0800 of the members of the Somerset Military Lodge and the Provincial team at RNAS Yeovilton. With no hitches at the main gate, they were all soon in the Warrant Officers and Senior Rates Mess, eager to get matters moving.

With the arrival of both teams, last minute adjustments were made to the “temple” and rehearsals for both teams were soon under way. During the rehearsals a steady flow of brethren arrived who were greeted at the mess, and all signed in over a Lynx helicopter engine! Everyone took time to explore the mess and to soak up the military and now Masonic atmosphere.
As time ticked by, you could feel the sense of anticipation increase. The brethren were itching to take their seats and for this historic event to start.
At 1400, with everyone seated, W Bro Barry McCormack, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremony, called the brethren to order. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck: this was the moment that nearly three years of work had led to – the consecration of the Somerset Military Lodge 10021.

A virtually full provincial team accompanied the Right Worshipful Brother David Medlock DL, Provincial Grand Master (PGM) for Somerset, into the temple. The PGM greeted all those 260 brothers attending and handed over the proceedings to W Bro Richard Winter, one of our Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, to carry out the consecration ceremony. Richard, accompanied by his wardens W Bros Clive Dunster and Ray Conneely, the Provincial Grand Chaplain W Bro Robert Moore and the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies W Bro Barry McCormack, then carried out a sublime and faultless consecration ceremony, which all those attending agreed was first class, and demonstrated the hard work and effort that those taking part had clearly put in. The music during the ceremony was provided by W Brother Richard Kilburn, accompanied by W Bro Jerry Hellier.
The “lodge” was then called off. With little time to savour what had just taken place, the installation of our first Worshipful Master W Bro Tony Guthrie, our other Assistant Provincial Grand Master, was due to start.
The brethren did not need much encouragement to resume their seats, as again the sense of anticipation was palpable. W Bro Richard thanked those who supported him during the consecration and handed over proceedings to the Very Worshipful Brother Ray Guthrie (Tony’s father) to carry out the installation.
The installation was carried out faultlessly by Very Worshipful Brother Ray, with the culmination being the installation of his son as the first Worshipful Master of the Somerset Military Lodge 10021, an honour for both. One of the highlights was the number of light blues who were admitted for the proclamations; there were over one hundred!
The festive board commenced on time at 1800, one of the joys of being a Military Lodge. W Bro Jerry Franks piped “hands to dinner” and the PGM and our Worshipful Master were greeted with much enthusiasm. The food and service were excellent, the port and rum were well received, and many new friends were made.
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The obligatory raffle took place, with an added twist – heads and tails for a bottle of SAS gin. This provided a moment of mirth, as a few brothers could not grasp the concept!
The evening was relaxed, fun and enjoyable. At 2100 the festive board ended, with those wishing to remain being able to adjourn to the Queen Elizabeth bar in the mess to carry on with the celebrations.
An amazing £3,085 was raised on the night and this will go to the Junior Ranks and Families Charity at the base. This also provides support to local non-military charities close by.
I thank our PGM for his support and encouragement in forming the new lodge, those taking part in the ceremonies, those behind the scenes, the mess manager Maria, and head chef Jules at the mess, and WO1 Nick Seal, Base Warrant Officer, for giving his permission to use his mess for this historic event.
Our first regular meeting will be held at Nailsea Masonic Hall on 1 October 2022. If you would like to attend or find out more about the lodge, please do not hesitate to contact me.
For more photos of this highly memorable, please see our gallery
W Bro Scott Gibbons
Somerset Military Lodge 10021
☎️ 07947 486 171