Travelling Trowel on the move from Rural Philanthropic Lodge 291 to Birnbeck Lodge.

The Worshipful master of Rural Philanthropic Lodge No 291, which meets in Burnham on sea, W Bro Matt Jarvis, delivered the travelling trowel to the Wm of Birnbeck lodge, W Bro Keith Baker, at their last meeting on 15th December 2021. The WM was accompanied by eleven other members, including his two Wardens, Bro Nick Reed (SW), & Bro Will Human (JW).
The WM of Birnbeck Lodge, W Bro Keith Baker, welcomed the members of Royal Philanthropic to the lodge, and congratulated their master on the number of brethren that accompanied him, certainly fulfilling the aim of the travelling trowel (see below).
Keith will be leading a delegation from Birnbeck to deliver the Travelling Trowel to the St Cecilia’s Lodge, at Wedmore, on the 28th February. It should certainly be a very musical evening.
It was a great evening and the brethren of Royal Philanthropic commented that they were all made to feel very welcome, both in the temple and the festive board. They were also pleased that W Bro Martin Slocombe was also a guest at the meeting.
The aims of the Travelling Trowel scheme are:
1. To encourage a wider sphere of visiting between Somerset lodges and increase masonic links and friendships.
2. To bring the Province closer together by fostering a spirit of mutual support and fraternity.
3. To encourage less experienced Masons to visit other Lodges.
4. The scheme will also help to support those Lodges that are perhaps small in Membership as well as those who receive relatively low numbers of visitors.
For more information on the Travelling Trowel scheme, please see 2020 to 2022 page, or the 2022 to 2024 one