General Interest – Brother Adams of Light in Assam lodge No. 3195, Nazira, Assam, India
The Masonic Certificates below were recently sent to me to share with anyone that may be interested, and as there are many examples available to see or download on the internet, here they are. The originals are in the safe hands of good friends, John, and Doreen, and were presented to Doreen’s Grandad (Benjamin) between 1918 and 1920, in North East India.
In about 1905 Benjamin sold the family tailoring firm in Plymouth and moved to India to work on the Hautley Tea Estate, in Assam, where he bacame a Freemason, and where he joined the following Lodges / Chapters.
- Craft Lodge, Light in Assam lodge No. 3195, in Jorhat on 24/5/1918
- Royal Arch Chapter, Aurora chapter No. 3195 in Jorhat on 11/11/1919
- Mark Lodge, Old Sibsagar Lodge No. 712, in Nazira, Assam on 3/4/1920
The facinating thing for me is to compare Benjamins certificates to mine, and as like me, most Masons will have heard some form of explanation of the contents and symbolism seen in Masonic Certificate, here are the things that stood out for me…
- Craft: This 3 pillars certificate looks very must the same as mine, except, and as we are told, the crest is different
- The Chapter certificate has the latin version of the wording on the left
- The Mark certificate looks completely different to mine.
I hope you find these interesting, and who knows, maybe someone reading this may have some affinity to Assam Craft lodge, Aurora Royal Arch Chapter or Old Sibsagar Mark Lodge.
Submitted by Andy Wade