Ian Woollard
We are lucky to live in Brittany on a plot of 8,000 sq mtrs, so there are many parts we could photo and still not do it justice. The first photo is not off of a chocolate box but the pathway to our front door which has three large Camelias, a Budlia, rose bushes, Fuschias etc along the house side of the path and a variety of shrubs the other. The second photo shows some of my handiwork including extending the patio along the back of the house and my “uniquely” designed and made bench. Photo three shows a section of our small lake which is a lovely place to sit and fish and listen to the endless bird song. We have many trees in the garden many of which blossom at different times, photo four is our Cherry blossom which is splendid every spring. The final photo is my current project, turning the weed over run steps at the top of the picture into the smart paved and timbered ones in the fore front of the picture.