Pat Morrisey
My (our) Gardening project.
Last August whilst strolling across my acres of decking to my surprise I fell through up to my knees! I knew it was dodgy so decided to remove it leaving us with a sunken area deeper than the rest of the garden. I was removing the decking & all its rotten wood when I fell in breaking my sternum, which slowed the project up a bit! With the good timber, (some 600 feet of reclaimed decking planks plus 500 screws), we started repairing & improving various areas.
The winter now having faded into memory, the sun is shining & due to the world-wide situation, Heather & I are locked up in total isolation, we clap on Thursday evenings, toast pictures stuck to the wall, the project continues & never seems to end. However, I cut the last plank by hand because the electric saw burnt out! “Now will you rest!” said my Fellow Inmate.
So I did, & ordered a new saw!
Pat Morrisey.