The Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset will open at 11am on 2nd April
The Annual General Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset will be held on Thursday 2nd April 2020 at The Webbington Hotel & Spa, Loxton, Nr. Axbridge, Somerset BS26 2HU commencing at 11.00am prompt.
Timings for the meeting are:
All to be seated: 10.45am
Meeting commences: 11.00am
Lunch: 2.00pm
Please complete the booking form (see link below) to indicate if your Lodge intends to attend, and return it to W. Bro. Keith Baker (full details below). Members wishing to dine should send a cheque for £23.00 made payable to:
“Somerset Provincial Grand Lodge Events”
Please send your booking form and cheque to:
W. Bro. Keith Baker, Manor Farm, Purn Way, Bleadon,
Weston-super-Mare, BS24 0QE
Tel: 01934 812223
To pay by BACS:
HSBC account 41120905, sort code 40:47:18
To allow time to make the necessary seating arrangements for Luncheon, please let W Bro Keith Baker know by Saturday 29th February 2020, at the latest.