Perpetual Friendship Chapter 135
Meets at – The Masonic Temple, King Square, Bridgwater TA6 3DH at 18:30 on the first Monday.
Months – February, April, October and December.

Consecrated 23rd September 1918 Meets at the Masonic Hall, King’s Square, Bridgwater. Of the many towns within Somerset where Royal Arch Chapters meet Bridgwater is unique in that it is the only town where a Royal Arch was consecrated in 1786 as Chapter of Union No 47 only to see it fail in 1861 and then for the Royal Arch in that town resurrected again in a different guise as Perpetual Friendship Chapter No 135.
The Consecration of Perpetual Friendship Chapter No 135 took place on Monday 23 September 1918 at 2.45pm when a Special convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Somerset was held at Bridgwater Masonic Hall for the purposes of constituting and consecrating a new Royal Arch Chapter to be attached to the Perpetual Friendship Lodge No. 135.

The device on the Founders` Jewel was taken from the Seal of the Commonality of Bridgwater and represents a triple tower with portcullis, surmounting a bridge under which flows a river. Under the portcullis is a “Leopard`s face in chief” and above the two outer towers an ” Estoile of eight points” and “Fleur de Lys”. The star, fleur-de-lis, and leopard’s face are all royal emblems, and indicate the numerous royal charters, beginning with that of King John, which the town has received. The castle represents that built by Walter de Briwere and the bridge built by Sir Thomas Trivet under a Grant from King Henry II. The earliest example of its use is on the Will of Gilbert Russel dated 20th September 1317. There are various representations of this device in and around the town. It is also on the Coat of Arms granted to Bridgwater in 1952.
To find out more about Perpetual Friendship Chapter email 📧 Scribe E – David Robert Attwater