Inkerman Chapter No 1222
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Weston-Super-Mare BS23 1NZ at 18.30
on the fourth Monday. Months – January, April, September and November

Consecrated 15th May 1869 Meets at The Masonic Hall, Tivoli Lane, Boulevard, Weston-Super-Mare.
The town of Weston-Super-Mare lies on the banks of the River Severn estuary and is now the largest and best known of the Somerset seaside towns. In comparison to the rest of Somerset this town was a late developer and until the beginning of the nineteenth century was small fishing and farming centres. Freemasonry arrived in Weston-Super-Mare when St Kew Lodge No. 1222 was consecrated on 7th July 1868 when the ceremony took place in the town’s Assembly Rooms at the corner of High Street and West Street.
Among the Lodges seven petitioners were three brethren who were to take part in the in the Promotion of Inkerman Chapter namely; Francis George Irwin, Gore Boland Munbee and Thomas Clarke. The brethren of St Kew Lodge obtained a suite of rooms for their meetings at the York Hotel in Regent Street. The suite they called the Carnarvon Hall, named after the Provincial Grand Master, the Earl of Carnarvon. It was in these rooms on the 3rd March 1869, only nine months after the consecration of the new Lodge that: – “Bro. Munbee proposed and Bro Vizard seconded that the Worshipful Master be requested to apply for a warrant to open a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons to be attached to the St Kew Lodge to be named the Inkerman Chapter. This was carried unanimously.

To find out more about Inkerman Chapter email 📧 Scribe – E Wayne PH Blinston