The Centre

Seven Lodges at The Masonic Hall, Tivoli Lane, Boulevard, Weston super Mare BS23 1NZ. Consecrated on October 1st 1908 the Masonic Hall has been extensively refurbished and modernised over recent years. Weston Super Mare also hosts the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset at the Winter Gardens.
The Lodges
St Kew Lodge No 1222

Meets at 18:30 except April on the first Tuesday
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr (Installation 16:30), May, Jun, Oct, Nov, Dec
In the story of Weston-super-Mare there is an old and oft repeated tradition that the adjoining village of Kewstoke was named after St. Kew. He, it was said, was a hermit who lived in a cell, the ruins of which may still be traced, in a ravine climbed by a long flight of stone steps leading from Kewstoke Church to the top of Worle Hill. The ravine is known as the “Pass of St. Kew” or Monks-Steps The St. Kew Lodge was consecrated in the year 1868 and is the daughter Lodge of the Lodge of Agriculture, No. 1199
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Mick Collins

King Alfred Lodge No 3169
Meets at 18:30 except Oct on the second Friday and Nov on the third Friday
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Oct (Installation 17:00), Nov and Dec
King Alfred Lodge is a large friendly Lodge which was founded in 1906, being formed from St Kew Lodge, the original Masonic Lodge in Weston-super-Mare. The Lodge celebrated its centenary in 2006 and has a proud, long history and therefore traditions, which we maintain.
Our members are drawn from every walk of life and age group and include accountants, skilled tradesmen, engineers, business owners, ex-military personnel and teachers. We welcome members from all walks of life.
We are an inclusive lodge which activity encourages our members to take part in our ceremonies, to progress through the offices of the Lodge and eventually become the Master of the lodge. We aim for a high standard of ritual. New members are mentored, by experienced Brethren, through the stages of becoming a Mason and on joining the Lodge for the early parts of their membership.
As well as holding our regular meetings, the Lodge has social evenings such as quiz nights, dinner dances, which are called Ladies Festivals, and regular charity fund raising events. We have a varied, interesting and enjoyable social life, specifically designed to include something for everyone. Members are invited to include Families and Partners in all our social events.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Chris Millard
Wessex Lodge No 4093

Meets at 18:30 on the fourth Friday except May and Dec
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr (Installation 16:30), May (3rd Fri), Sep, Oct, Nov and Dec (3rd Fri)
Consecrated on 1st June 1920, Wessex Lodge was fortunate enough to have 59 Founder Members, the vast majority of which were already Members of the other Two Lodges meeting at Weston, St Kew and King Alfred. Wessex Lodge is small but friendly lodge which meets in Weston Super Mare on a Friday night. As a lodge we believe strongly in family support and invite family and friends to join us for the evening at least once a year and usually hold a Ladies Evening or Lunch in early April. We are a fun group who raise money for local charities and good causes, with a relaxed approach to Freemasonry but we are very sincere in our ceremonies.
Our members come from a a wide age range and a broad background including such diverse occupations as builders, accountants, pest control operatives, council highways managers and many more. With such a broad spectrum of people it will be of no surprise that the member’s interests are also wide ranging with hobbies including motor-cycling, classic cars, D.I.Y. and gardening to name but a few.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Ian Woollard Wessex Lodge Website

Birnbeck Lodge No 7160
Meets at 19:00 except September, on the third Wednesday
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sep (Installation 17:30), Oct, Nov and Dec
Birnbeck Lodge No 7160 is situated in the Seaside town of Weston-s-Mare. It prides itself on being a very friendly and traditional lodge but with a very forward thinking attitude. The Lodge has an excellent reputation for some of the best Ritual in the province and is extremely proud of its charitable fund raising, by which it helps to support National ventures as well as many Local groups. The Lodge has over 60 members who are drawn from all backgrounds and occupations, such as the Armed Forces, Emergency services, Self-employed, Financial sectors and many others. We feel that this gives a good balance of members with different interests and knowledge, this makes our gatherings very diverse and interesting.
As well as being friendly, it is a very sociable Lodge and holds several social events during the year which are organised by either the committee or individuals of the lodge, and vary in type and frequency. An important feature is that all our Social events are open to Family and Friends including those that are not Masons.
For our news stories and lodge page click here
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Jonathan (Jon) Taylor
Athelstan Lodge No 9033

Meets at 18:30 except September on the first Friday
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sep (Installation 17:00), Oct, Nov and Dec
We, the brethren of Athelstan Lodge 9033, extend to you a warm and fraternal greeting. Consecrated on the 3rd day of September, 1982, and formed from members of King Alfred Lodge 3169, our lodge was named in honour of King Athelstan, the first King of England and grandson of King Alfred.
We are proud to uphold the tradition of Freemasonry and perform our ceremonies based on the MM Taylors’ Ritual Book of Freemasonry, a unique and meaningful experience for all who attend.
As a small, friendly, and dedicated lodge, we strive to provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all brethren, both visiting and resident. Our aim is to promote the principles of charity, morality, and brotherhood, and to ensure that every meeting is well-spent and enjoyable.
If you are interested in learning more about Athelstan Lodge 9033 and the opportunities for growth and fellowship within Freemasonry, please do not hesitate to contact our Secretary, W. Bro. Justin Pursey, at
Join us in our commitment to the ancient and honourable fraternity of Freemasonry, and be a part of the brotherhood of Athelstan Lodge 9033.
Somerset Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No 9189

Meets at 10:45 on the third Saturday
Months – Feb, May and Oct (Installation)
Membership of the Stewards Lodge is open to those Brethren appointed to the rank of Provincial Grand Steward in The Craft Degree, The Royal Arch Degree and The Mark Degree. The objective in the foundation of this Lodge has been to collect together all those Brethren who have been appointed to the Office of Provincial Grand Steward. The establishment of this Lodge with its wealth of Masonic experience is a distinct advantage to Freemasonry in Somerset enabling members to fulfil the function of Provincial Grand Steward in the widest sense
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Paul Howard-Baker
Twitter @PGSL9189
Tivoli Lodge No 9417

Meets at 10:30 on the fourth Saturday except September
Months – Mar, May, Sep (third Saturday, Installation) and Dec (second Saturday)
Tivoli Lodge was Consecrated on Saturday 28th September 1991 and was the second Lodge in Somerset to meet on a Saturday morning and invite the Ladies to the Festive Board. It was named after the Tivoli Cinema which stood adjacent to the Masonic Hall. The building represented on the banner is in fact the ‘Triumphant Arch’ entrance to the cinema, whilst the masks of joy and sorrow within the entrance gateway represent its theatrical history.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Stuart Boyd
Chapters Meeting in Weston Super Mare
From North, leave M5 at Junction 21, From South leave M5 at Junction 22. MH in Tivoli Lane beside Hodge & Co. (Solicitors) between the first and second set of Tfc L’s in Boulevard. PCP’s in Sovereign Centre near Winter Gardens and in Grove Park. On-street parking in most streets after 18.00 hours. No lights required in Boulevard