The Centre
Eight Lodges meet at the The Masonic Hall, Nailsea BS48 1BA
Originally procured by the newly formed Tyntesfield Lodge in 1922, the building was extended in 1935 before being requisitioned by the War Office in 1940. Following the War, membership continued to grow and Tyntsefield transferred ownership of the Hall to the Nailsea Masonic Hall Company in 1963 who have carried out extensive refurbishment, extension and renovation over recent years.
The Lodges
Marine Lodge No 232
Meets at 10:00 on the first Saturday except April.
Months – Mar, Apr (last Saturday), Sep and Nov (Installation)
Lodge Marine 232 EC was founded in 1776 and has a long history with its origins coming from seafarers and mariners wanting a lodge which they could collectively meet and spend time together whilst ashore or waiting for their next ship in Calcutta, India.
Although originating in Calcutta (Park Street) India, it was moved to Portishead (old railway station) in 1975 and following the closure of the building, Marine settled in Nailsea where it has been since 2001.
The suffix after 232 EC is an indication the lodge was originally founded overseas and aligned to the English Constitution (EC). This was typical as it was common for Irish (IC) and Scottish (SC) lodges to all meet in the same building and was a little reminder to ensure you had the correct regalia before entering the temple.
Marine still retains some memorabilia and photographs over the years, along with a ships bell which is still used during the festive board!
Although the members are proud of its long history, it has a modern progressive outlook and the membership includes those who are either former or still serving in the armed forces, emergency services, finance, IT/technology, training, and legal backgrounds. We are an open and welcoming lodge and are always seeking new or joining members. If you are already a member of another lodge and would like to visit or join, just email to our secretary.
Contact the Lodge Secretary:???? Mike Barfoot-Franks
Severn Lodge No 4399
Meets at 15:15 on the fourth Saturday except May, when it is the third Saturday at 15:00 Months -Jan, Mar, May (Installation 15:00 on the third Saturday), Jul, Sep and Nov
Warranted in 1922, the Lodge was formed largely from members of Eldon Lodge, (who previously met in Portishead, but have now moved to Clevedon). The Latin motto at the top of the Banner reads “Pieux Quoique Preux” and may be translated as “Pious yet Courageous”
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Philip du Kamp
Tyntesfield Lodge No 4494
Meets at 18:45 except April, on the first Tuesday
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr (Installation 17:30), May, Oct, Nov and Dec
The Lodge was Warranted in 1922. The Lodge Banner bears the Arms of “Gibbs of Tyntesfield in the County of Somerset and Clyst, St.George in the County of Devon” and “Gibbs of Clifton Hampden Oxfordshire”. The Motto ” Tenax Propositi” translates to “Firm of Purpose” Visit our Provincial Page Here
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Colin Fraser
Estune Lodge No 6817
Meets at 18:45 except September on the third Tuesday
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Sep (installation 17:30), Oct, Nov & Dec
Estune Lodge was founded in May 1949, when the founding members adopted the name of what the Anglo-Saxon people used for what we now know as Long Ashton – ‘Estune’.
On average 60 – 70 members attend meetings. These are of all ages, young and old, and from widely diverse backgrounds and interests. Generally members live in Somerset and Bristol, but some live much further afield.
The lodge activities cover far more than only formal meetings. Members have a popular calendar of social and charitable events, sharing enjoyment and fellowship with friends and partners – all in line with Masonic principles. If you would like to join the lodge, please contact the secretary.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Terry Ransome Visit Our provincial page here: Visit our Facebook Page:
Backwell Lodge No 7964
Meets at 18:45 on the Friday after the third Tuesday.
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr (Installation 17:30), Oct, and Nov
Consecrated in 1964, Backwell Lodge has attracted members from a broad background over the years, which has been one of its many strengths and today is no different. Our members range in age from twenty something to eighty something, from electricians to accountants and from Backwell locals to those further afield across Somerset – everyone is welcome!
We also benefit from meeting on a Friday evening which, for many, is a great way to end the working week or to start the weekend. The Lodge also holds various social events throughout the year so that family and friends are involved too. Backwell is a Lodge with a strong sense of camaraderie that makes being a member enjoyable for all. We always very much look forward to welcoming new members and visitors alike.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Chris Green For our news stories and lodge page click here
Wraxall Lodge No 9011
Meets at 18:45 on the first Friday Months – Jan (second Friday), Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Oct, Nov (Installation 17:30) and Dec
Wraxall Lodge No 9011 meets in Nailsea Masonic Hall on the first Friday in the month, the exceptions being Jan – July – Aug – Sept. Wraxall Lodge was consecrated in 1981, mainly as an alternative lodge to the many larger lodges already meeting at Nailsea to facilitate new members held on waiting lists for the already established lodges.
The lodge is made up mainly of self employed businessmen, with an age group from early thirties through to our eldest member of 97, (who still performs ritual), there is no common theme running through the lodge, like a Navel/Emergency Services Lodge for example, but what you will find in joining Wraxall is a great cross section of members of the community which allowed for interesting and diverse conversation especially at our festive boards, which are always a fun and lively affair. One of our selling points is that by being a lodge that meets on a Friday, it gives members the opportunity to plan their full weeks business, and the benefit of having the weekend to recover from the toils of the night, (and an extra glass of wine at the Festive Board)
Our Lodge Mentor provides support and advice to both the Proposing member and his Candidate, and of course we would be very much onboard to welcome any future prospective candidates. If you would like more information on joining Wraxall Lodge 9011 contact our lodge secretary on the link below.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Steve Chapman
Visit our Provincial page here
Olympian Lodge No 9703
Meets at 18:45 except as below on the second Friday
Months – Feb (Installation 18:00), Jun, Sep and Nov
Based initially at Portishead, then Clevedon and now Nailsea, Olympian Loge was the first Lodge in England to be Consecrated in the new Millennium on January 8th 2000. Formed primarily for those with sporting connections the Lodge boasts many fine athletes amongst it’s members.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: David Mason
Sir Isaac Newton Lodge No 9801
Meets at at 11.00 on the fourth Thursday
Months – Jan, Apr, Oct (Installation 10:30), Nov
Somerset’s newest Craft Lodge, Constituted in 2005. Sir Isaac Newton Lodge is a midweek, daytime Lodge where Members can enjoy the Festive Board at Midday and return to their homes during daylight hours. This format appeals to retired Brethren from a wide catchment area. It is also an objective of the Lodge to involve our Ladies and families in selected activities so that Members Masonic activities are better integrated into their wider lives. vLadies are invited to join us at our Festive Board except when we conduct Installations and Initiations and to our other Social events through the year, to which they respond with enthusiasm.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Bill Hillis
Disabled Access: Lift between ground floor and temple, ramp at front entrance
From Bristol take the A370 towards Weston-super-Mare to Backwell; turn right at 1st set Tfc L along Station Road towards Nailsea for approx 2 miles; Nailsea Park turning on left, which is a Cul- de-sac. MH on left, (behind housing)
From Junction 21 M5, take A370 towards Bristol to Backwell, turn left at 2nd set Tfc L into Station Road towards Nailsea for approx 2 miles, then follow instructions as above
Chapters Meeting in Nailsea
Tyntesfield Chapter No 4494
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Nailsea BS48 1BA at 18:30 on the second Thursday.
Months – February, May, September and December.
Consecrated 9th April 1988 Meets at The Masonic Hall, Nailsea.
In 1987 readers of Masonic Square Magazine would have seen a small advertisement on page 183 which read “Wanted; Complete equipment, in reasonably good condition please, for a new Royal Arch Chapter due to be consecrated in the near future. Contact Mr. S. Lamkin, 34 Eastway, Nailsea, Bristol BS19 1ET.” To many this was the first indication that plans were under way to establish a Royal Chapter in Nailsea. The Grand Superintendent E Comp Tom Hughes was always very proud of Tyntesfield Chapter, because although he consecrated 5 Chapters this was the only one that met at a new location that is one that did not already have a Chapter meeting there.
To find out more about Tyntesfield Chapter email Scribe -E- Iain Disdel or visit our Chapter web page by clicking Here
Disabled Access: Lift between ground floor and temple, ramp at front entrance
From Bristol take the A370 towards Weston-super-Mare to Backwell; turn right at 1st set Traffic Lights along Station Road towards Nailsea for approx 2 miles; Nailsea Park turning on left, which is a Cul- de-sac. MH on left, (behind housing)
From Junction 21 M5, take A370 towards Bristol to Backwell, turn left at 2nd set of Traffic Lights into Station Road towards Nailsea for approx 2 miles, then follow instructions as above