The Centre
The Masonic Hall, Burnham-on-Sea TA8 1NX.
The Lodges
Rural Philanthropic Lodge No 291
Meets at 18:30, except February, on the first Friday
Months – Jan, Feb (Installation 16.45), Mar, Apr, May, Oct, Nov and Dec
The Rural Philanthropic Lodge is one of the oldest Lodges in the Province of Somerset, being founded in 1793, originally in Highbridge. We meet at the Masonic Hall tucked away at the end of the High Street in Burnham on Sea. We meet the First Friday of every Month, October through May, at 6.30 with February being the Installation night, we meet earlier at 5pm.
We are also one of the largest Lodges in Somerset with 70 subscribing members, ages ranging from early 30s to over 80 years old, everyone over 21 is welcome to apply. The membership comprises of people from all walks of Life, who all get on and have a common goal. We are a vibrant and friendly Lodge, holding several social events every year, including a summer BBQ, Annual Quiz, A Skittles competition, concluding with the Annual Ladies Night Extravaganza. We also support many local charities and events including the Highbridge Festival of the Arts, Sedgemoor Playdays, local food banks and we are regularly responsible for the flowers in the planters along Burnham High Street.
If you are interested in Joining Rural Philanthropic, please contact the Lodge Secretary,
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Ian Evans
Somerset Fairway Lodge No 9251
Meets at 18:30 except November on the first Wednesday
Months – Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov (Installation 17:00). (April, June and September Meetings are usually held at different Somerset Venues)
The Somerset Fairway Lodge, as you may have gathered from it’s name is primarily a golfers Lodge. The April, June and September Meeting Venues vary year on year as they are preceded by a golf competition with a Lodge meeting afterwards at a convenient Masonic Hall in Somerset. All Somerset Fairway golf competitions and meetings are open to any Mason. Contact the Secretary for more details.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Ian Robertson
Chapters Meeting at Burnham-on-Sea
Vale of Jehoshaphat Chapter No 291
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Taunton TA1 4EB at 18:30 (except May) on the second Wednesday in
January, March and May and November. Months – January, March, May (18:00) and November.
Consecrated 1847 at Highbridge Meets at the Masonic Hall, Burnham-on-Sea. The Charter of the present Vale of Jehoshaphat Chapter was is dated the 3rd November 1847 but the first Convocation was not held until 14th November 1848 when E Comp S.E. Taylor of Beaufort Chapter, in the Province of Bristol acted as Zerubbabel, E Comp Dr Pope acted as Haggai and E Comp Buncombe acted as Joshua. On that evening several Brethren of the Rural Philanthropic Lodge No.367 were balloted, elected and exalted.
To find out more about The Vale of Jehoshaphat Chapter email ???? Scribe – E – John Kidd or visit our Chapter page by clicking Here
Disabled Access: Two steps at entrance – temple, dining room and all facilities on ground floor
Proceed along High Street (which is for most part one-way from N to S) in southerly direction. At southern end 20 yards before junction with Abingdon Street turn right up lane. (opposite Somerset & Dorset Public House) and MH 50 yards on right. Car parking available off Marine Drive and South Esplanade