The Centre

The Masonic Hall, 39 High Street, Bruton BA10 0AH, it is one of the oldest buildings in use as a Masonic Hall in Somerset. It was originally built as the Bruton Town Hall in 1642. The building fronts the High Street but the entrance is from Warren Close, a narrow alley leading off the High Street opposite the Post Office. In 1876 the building became Bruton National Infants School and subsequently the Masonic Hall in 1932.
The Lodges
Royal Clarence Lodge No 976

Regular meetings: the first Thursday at 18.45hrs Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec ( Installation meeting: the first Thursday at 17.00hrs Dec )
Membership of the lodge is currently around the 40 mark comprising brethren of a wide ranging age group from mid 30s to 80 plus. The brethren also come from a wide range of backgrounds so there is no one profession or former profession that is dominant. This leads to particularly interesting and lively discussion particularly at the festive board when many life experiences are shared.
Apart from the formal meetings the lodge also holds a more informal lodge of instruction where newer brethren who are wishing to contribute to the ceremonial aspects of the lodge can learn under the guidance of the more experienced brethren. Social events are also an important part of the activities of the lodge bring together lodge members and their partners for events such as the traditional Christmas Silent Auction, Ladies nights, Masonic skittles in the summer these being some of the events that happen outside the regular meetings of the Lodge.
It is difficult to say what the ideal candidate for Royal Clarence Lodge would be as we have such a diverse membership. However anyone looking to join the lodge should have a good sense of humour, be keen to learn about freemasonry and what it stands for, enjoy relaxed company and if willing, add to the well being of the lodge in whatever capacity he feels capable.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Neil Beckett
Chapters Meeting in Bruton
Royal Cyrus Chapter 285
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Bruton BA10 0AH at 18.30 except October on the fourth Wednesday at 18.00 Months – January, April, June and October (18:00).

Consecrated 1868 at Shepton Mallet Meets at the Masonic Hall, High Street, Bruton. Founded in Shepton Mallet in 1850, Royal Cyrus Chapter No.285 remained there until 2002 when it moved to its present home in Bruton. An earlier attempt to establish a Royal Arch Chapter was made in 1823, but its failure was the result of the economic problems affecting in Shepton Mallet at this time. The second attempt in was initially more successful. At a meeting of Love and Honour Lodge No.285 on 20th June 1849 the brethren were informed that the Grand Chapter of England had approved a Petition for a Royal Arch Chapter to be attached to their Lodge. The Charter, bearing the name of the Royal Cyrus and dated the 2nd May 1849, was ready and would be supplied to them on payment of the usual fees. The Chapter’s first convocation was duly held on the 22nd of April 1850.
To find out more about the Royal Cyrus Chapter email ???? Scribe – E- Eric Thornborough or visit our Chapter page by clicking Here
On A359 (Yeovil-Frome) MH midway along High Street opposite Post Oftice. Adequate parking in Coombe Street 250m from MH