Exmoor Chapter 2390
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Bancks Street, Minehead TA24 5DJ at 18:30 on the fourth Wednesday
except November. Months – January, March, May and November (18:00).

Consecrated 13th June 1912Meets at The Masonic Hall, Bancks Street, Minehead.
Exmoor Chapter was consecrated on the 13th June 1912 and is attached to the Lodge Exmoor Lodge which was founded twenty one years before in 1891. It is only natural that the Lodge should choose the name of Exmoor because the town in which it meets stands on the edge of the Exmoor National Park. It would have been impossible to miss the beauty that surrounded them. Somerset has many natural beauties but Exmoor must be one of the most outstanding.
On the 13th.June 1912 the Exmoor Chapter was consecrated at Minehead Masonic Hall by the Grand Superintendent, in and over, the Province of Somerset E Comp Col William Long CMG. The Chapter has a fine display of Founder’s Jewels which are shown on the right.

If you would like to find out more about Exmoor Chapter email 📧 Scribe – E Robert Keith William Bliss