Calderley Chapter of Union 906
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Church Street, Wedmore BS28 4AB at 18.30 on the third Thursday of
September and at a venue selected by the MEZ elect first Monday in March. Months – March and September.

Consecrated 7th April 2011 at The Webbington Hotel & Spa, Loxton. Meets at The Masonic Hall, Church Street, Wedmore.
The original concept of The Calderley Chapter of Union came as the result of a conversation between the Deputy Grand Scribe Ezra, E Comp Graham Redman PGSwdB and E Comp John Bennett, when he suggested that many Grand Superintendents did have a Grand Superintendents Chapter. The idea lay dormant for sometime but it appeared to have some merit and a meeting of possible founders was called during 2010, as a result of which it was decided to consecrate such a Chapter.
E Comp Denis Calderley selected the Consecrating Team by using Grand Superintendents that had served at the same time that E Comp Denis Calderley had been Grand Superintendent of Somerset, 1998 – 2008.

This would not be a conventional Chapter but one that would encourage discussions between the Provincial Executive and the Companions within the Province in general. This would be achieved by each Chapter appointing its own representative to the Chapter, to be known as the Calderley Liaison Officers.
Each Chapter would also be granted Honorary Membership which was to be vested in the Calderley liaison Officer, for as long as he held the appointment

To find out more about the Calderley Chapter of Union email 📧 Scribe E Julian Thomas May