Avalon Chapter 446
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Wedmore BS28 4AB on the third Tuesday at 18:15 except November.
Months – February, May, September and November (18:00).
Consecrated 30th November 1876 at Wells Meets at the Masonic Hall, Church Street, Wedmore.
The first indication that a Royal Arch Chapter was to be formed in Wells can be found in the Minutes of the Benevolent Lodge No.446 on the 2nd September 1875 when the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Alfred Thrale Perkins proposed that a Royal Arch Chapter should be formed. It was agreed and a Petition was presented to Supreme Grand Chapter asking that a Chapter to be known as ‘The Benevolent Chapter’ to meet at Wells Town Hall on the third Tuesday of January, February, July, and October.
The petitioners nominated Comp Richard Charles Else, Past Master Rural Philanthropic Lodge No.29l and Deputy PGM of Somerset to be the first Zerubbabel, Comp. Alfred Thrale Perkins, Worshipful Master of Benevolent Lodge No.446 to be the first Haggai and Comp. Edward Bath Worshipful Master of Pilgrims Lodge No.772 at Glastonbury to be the first Joshua.
The beautiful city of Wells with its magnificent Cathedral lies at the centre of flat land between the Quantock Hills and the Mendip Hills known as the Vale of Avalon. The very name conjures up thoughts of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Thus taking the name of the area and the number of its sponsoring Lodge the Avalon Chapter No.446 was considered to be very appropriate. The Chapter was consecrated on St. Andrew’s Day, the 30th November 1875. St Andrew being the Patron Saint of Wells Cathedral in which premises the meetings were subsequently held. As this preceded the formation of The Somerset Provincial Grand Chapter by five years the Chapter was consecrated by Comp S.G. Homfrey Provincial Grand Master of Monmouth as Z, Comp. H.J. Gratte P.Z. 471 as H and Comp. H, Hellyer P.Z. 471 as J.
The first regular convocation was held at 2.30 pm on 15th February 1876 and at the second convocation on 18th May when 5 Brethren were exalted. The first few years had its high and low moments with sometimes several exaltees and sometimes with resignations and exclusions. Meetings were held in the Town Hall with the dinner in Local Hostelries.
If you would like to find out more about Avalon Chapter email 📧 Scribe E Roger Reina