Abbey Chapter 4491
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1SR at 18:30 on the
second Thursday in April and the second Friday in June and November.

Consecrated 28th March 1992Meets at The Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Keynsham. In 1992 there were nine Craft Lodges meeting at Keynsham Masonic Hall and there was just one Royal Arch Chapter and it was felt that there was a real need for a second one. It fell to the Brethren of Abbey Lodge No 4491 to be the sponsoring Lodge and eventually the petition was signed and forwarded to Supreme Grand Chapter who were pleased to issued the Charter for The Abbey Chapter No 4491.
The date chosen for the consecration was Saturday 28th March 1992 and it was with a great deal of enthusiasm that fourteen petioners assembled for the consecration.
The Consecrating Officer was to be the Grand Superintendent, in and over, the Provincial of Somerset, E Comp Thomas A Hughes and he was assisted by Deputy Grand Superintendent E Comp Idris J Evans, the Second Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Edwin F C Mear and the Third Provincial Grand Principal E Comp Frank H C Mounty and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers which included E Comp Denis Calderley as the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra.
On 14th April 2017 The Abbey Chapter No 4491 celebrated the 25th Anniversary of its consecration with a Convocation at Keynsham Masonic Hall to which they invited the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent E Comp D John Bennett together with the entire Provincial Team and on that occasion the Grand Superintendent after being welcomed by E Comp Ray Sheppard the First Principal of The Abbey Chapter accepted the Sceptre, occupied the 1st Principals Chair and together with the Provincial team performed the Exaltation Ceremony the Exaltee being Robert Ross, the brother of the 3rd Principal Angus Ross. Each Companion who attended was then presented with a Bottle of Merlot Wine which has been specially commissioned for the 25th Anniversary and was duly labelled to record the event.

To find out more about The Abbey Chapter email 📧 Scribe -E- Simon Sparkes