Clevedon Masons Supporting the Covid-19 effort
The Clevedon Masonic Club (CMC) made an extraordinary grant this week of £425 to Clevedon & District Foodbank, on behalf of all the Clevedon Freemasons meeting at the hall. Tennyson lodge, meeting at CMC also donated £300 to the Clevedon Foodbank, and expect to be able to increase this by a further £200 via match funding from the Province. Thanks Province !
CMC also donated all of the PPE (nitrile gloves , antibac wash , etc) held on site to the local Covid 19 resilience forum run by A&S Police.
Freemasonry more generally has also supported many local and national causes, some examples of which are as follows
- Provincial Grand Lodge has donated with match funding around £25000 to local Foodbanks in Somerset
- Provincial Grand Chapter has donated with match funding around £22000 to the Masonic Charitable Foundations Covid – 19 fund
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons has donated with match funding £11500 to 7 local Foodbanks in Somerset
(figures subject to final confirmation)