Gordano Lodge passes Bro Gradinura on a “Burns Night”
On Monday 23rd January Gordano Lodge performed a passing ceremony for Bro Mihaita Gradinura, which was followed by an excellent “Burns Supper”
The ceremony was expertly led by the Worshipful Master, Paul Hinkley, who having set the bar nice an high led his officers to deliver and excellent ceremony. He was of course ably assisted by the director of ceremonies, David Parslow, who helped ensure that everyone was in the right place at the right time saying just the right words.
Bro Rob Collins, dressed in appropriate Scottish attire carried the Haggis around the dining room, following the equally well dressed Piper, W Bro Ian Wyllie of John de Clivedon Lodge, who having arrived at an empty table delivered a perfect rendition of the address to the “very last” wild Haggis.
The festive board was quite simply fabulous, with Tatties, Neaps and Haggis, followed by slow cooked beef, and then trifle. The company was jovial and the speeches and toasts crisp, and entertaining. The raffle raised funds for local charities, and the Worshipful Master announced that the lodge was going to donate £200 to our local food bank.
At the end of the evening Matt Westley played us out with “show me the way to go home”, which was a great end to a wonderful night.
Gordano Lodge meet on the 4th Monday from October to April, excluding December, and take great pride in always extending the hand of friendship to welcome visiting brethren.