Lodge NewsProvincial News

St Dunstan’s Lodge 7973 gets a new Master after 4 Years

W Bro Mark Caldwell the new master of St Dunstan and his team

It was the installation of the new master W Bro Mark Caldwell into the chair of the St Dunstan’s lodge No 7973 meeting on Tuesday 5th April at Glastonbury. John Hawkins who had been a personal trainer to Mark, was pleased to see him installed into the chair of Solomon.

The Provincial Grand Senior Warden, W Bro Keith Baker represented the Province at the Installation, this being his last ceremony before the provincial AGM at the Webbington on Thursday 7th April when he stood down as the active Senior Warden.

W Bro Keith Baker with the new Team.

The installing master was W Bro Tom Nutt, he was Installed as Master of St Dunstan’s Lodge on 3rd April 2018, and Tom agreed to remain WM for a second year on 2nd April 2019, Then the installations which should have taken place in 2020, and 2021 were cancelled due to the interruption of COVID, and hence Tom remained  in the chair of St Dunstan’s for 4 years,

Bro Ewan Hayes Treasurer; Bro Mark Acreman JW; Bro Steve Jellis IG; W. Bro Graham Hayman JD; Bro Mark Caldwell SW;  WM Tom Nutt;
Bro Adrian Huggett Secretary; W Bro Kevin Hunnam ADC; W Bro John Hawkins Tyler; Bro Walter Antonello Chaplain; Bro Viv Morris Almoner;

The new WM, W Bro Mark Caldwell, thanked all his officers for attending his Installation night while we are all still living with Covid.” I thought we had a very good meeting in excess of 70 Brethren, the two DC’s W Bro Steve Defries and the new team DC W Bro Ross Bambrey guided me through a very memorable occasion. I thank W Bro Tom Nut for Installing me so well. I hope that W Brethren Ken Nichols, John Hartry & Kevin Moynihan will soon join us at future meetings.”

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