Wraxall Lodge 9011 Welcome Their New Brother
Wraxall Lodge Welcomed their Newley made Brother David Stokes at their regular meeting on Friday the 4th March. David was proposed by Bro Rob Collins and the ceremony was a great success, followed by an excellent Festive board served by Sam the local caterer for Nailsea Masonic Hall.
The evening was supported by 13 visitors from across the province and their company was warmly welcomed. The raffle raised £165 which the proceeds are going to the Ukraine relief fund, Which the WM John Peters has Approved a further sum of £85 from the Charity Chest to be added to the total making the donation £250, A huge thankyou to all who supported this evening making it a great night for Bro David Stokes.
Our next meeting will be on April 1st where we are completing a 3rd Degree Ceremony for Bro Chris McCormack after a long delay due to the pandemic, being the 1st of April this is going to be a Fun evening, all visitors welcome.