Lodge News

Three Trusty Fellowcrafts!

The Christmas meeting of Admiral Blake Lodge at Bridgwater on December 21st was attended by over 50 members and guests.

W.Bro James Brown, Bro Ben Potts – Senior Deacon, Bro Sam Brown, Bro Mark Schaafsma and Bro Alan Woodridge.

The Master, W.Bro Mike Holman handed the Gavel to the Lodge DC, James Brown to conduct the second degree ceremony for his son Sam, and an excellent ceremony it was. The highlights included Sam answering his questions in an exemplary manner and another fellowcraft, Bro Alan Woodridge of Lodge Marine No 232 giving the extended explanation of the second degree working tools. W.Bro Peter Wall concluded the ceremony by giving an excellent explanation of the second degree Tracing Board. The ceremony was also watched by Bro Mark Schaafsma of Perpetual Friendship Lodge No 135 who only completed his second degree the week previous to this meeting.

The Lodge approved a proposal from the Charity Steward, W.Bro Stuart Morgan to donate £500 to W.Bro Steve Collings, Sahara Trek. Steve is hoping to to raise £10,000 for SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity. He was present this evening to thank the brethren of Admiral Blake and give a brief explanation of the Sahara Trek.

W.Master Mike Holman, W.Bro Steve Collings and Charity Steward W.Bro Stewart Morgan

The evening was rounded off with an excellent Festive dinner at which over £700 was raised for charity by a raffle and the annual Admiral Blake Christmas auction!

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