Three Veterans honoured at Whitchurch Lodge
At the meeting of Whitchurch Lodge No 6942 on 26th October the Provincial Grand Master, David Medlock presented veterans certificates to W.Bro ‘Bonnie’ Pearce PPrSGW and W.Bro Mike Scaggs PPrSGW.
W.Bro Bonnie was initiated into Whitchurch Lodge in 1970 and was Master in 1980 and again in 1991, he was the Lodge Secretary for 10 years from 2005. He is also a Past Master of Uno Corde Lodge No 5736. He was appointed Provincial Senior Warden in 1993 by the then Provincial Grand Master Stanley Hopkins.
W.Bro Mike Scaggs was initiated into the Lodge of Honour No 379 in Bath in 1970, he was Master there in 1995 and served as the Lodge Secretary for six years from 2000. He joined Whitchurch in 2010 and was Master for two years from 2012. Following his Mastership he was Lodge Secretary for five tears. Mike was Promoted to Past PrSGW in 2015.
The third recipient of a fifty year certificate should have been W.Bro G John Currie but he was unavoidably absent due to ill health. W.Bro John was initiated into Whitchurch Lodge in 1971 and was Master in 1981. Although still a subscribing member of the Lodge he now lives in Gloucester, advancing years and distance to travel means he is able to attend very often. The Master of Whitchurch, W.Bro Vincell Haskins undertook to deliver the certificate to W.Bro Currie at his home.