Wonder Woman Flies in to Help 4 Local Charities
Friday august 6th saw Neil Hurcum face his fears of heights and water, as he stood overlooking the edge towards a flooded quarry 70 metres below.
Time was of the essence as the team rigged up his harness to send him whizzing along 700 metres of zipwire to his final landing place – which fortunately was solid ground!
Neil would like to thank the many supporters he has had throughout the past 2 months, and with your help and that of Lodges, Chapters and Mark lodges in the Province has to date raised £2250 to be divided between St Peter’s Hospice, St Margaret’s Hospice, Children’s Hospice South West and STAR (Somerset Trust for Arts and Recreation).
When asked of the experience he commented “exhilarating but scary”, probably one of the few times he has been speechless (well nearly).
A poignant tale of how Neil ended up in a Wonder Woman outfit is all thanks to our recently passed ME Grand Superintendent, who felt that as it was “all too easy”, and that the jump needed a gimmick, and Wonder Woman was Barry’s choice of costume……
…..Which begs the question what challenge come’s next for our “superhero”!!