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Portcullis 2038 celebrates Somerset Day 2019 in style

Langport, situated on the banks of the River Parrett, at the heart of the Somerset Levels is one of the smallest towns in England. It also has one of the smallest Masonic Halls! 

The ‘Hanging Chapel’, a 13th century archway bearing a perpendicular building formally known as the ‘Chantry Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary’ is home to Portcullis 2038 and Somerset Farmers 9018. The building has been a Masonic meeting place since 1891 and In celebration of Somerset Day 2019 it was decided to open its doors to the public. 

Ian Moore, Portcullis Secretary told Compass “The response has been absolutely unbelievable. In all, we had over 500 visitors and as a result two people are to apply for initiation and one to become a Joining member.” 

WM George Small said “We are delighted to be able to integrate with the community in this way and have received some very favourable feedback. One of the visitors even sat down at our Organ and began playing, the atmosphere was absolutely amazing!”  

Barry Davies 
Compass Editor
Dir. of Comms 

Brethren & Visitors at the Langport MH Openday 
(Center rear) Seated – Charlotte & Aiden Redfearn (Left of Centre) Mandy & Ian Moore (Sec): (Right of Centre) Barry Horsgood (Treas.): neil McGrath (SW)

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